How Has Your Culture Shaped Your Fate?




As we move through life, the force of fate creates events that we only appreciate when we reflect on our existence.
- Ronald Harmon



Discovering Your Fate

Next is looking at how your culture has defined a fate for you. Through fair means and fowl ... a culture bears the burden of supplying a fate when a person decides not to pursue their destiny.

Fitting in and settling down to the serious business of living ... and shape your life more than you might imagine. This is where serious comprises start to happen .. and go almost unnoticed.

Fate by Culture

Knowing what your culture has in store for you and help you see how your life has been shaped by your society.

Peeking Under The Tent

What are the highest values in your culture?

What are the myths and legends the culture honors and uses?

How does your culture define success?

Selecting A Profession

What professions, trades and crafts does your culture respect?

What professions does it reward well?

What jobs does your culture value most?
And value least?

Acquiring Goods & Services

What are the treasured items of your culture?

What are you encouraged to acquire, buy, or consume?

What are you discouraged from having or buying?

Who To Become

Who are the role models of your culture?

Who are you encouraged to become like?

Who are you encouraged to envy?

Understanding Your Answers

This may take a while to think through. Seeing your culture with new eyes while you are a part of it takes time and an effort to leap outside the box. But your answers and questions like these help you start to understand how your culture shapes your choices and decisions by influencing the way you view yourself and your choices.

When you are ready, you will want to explore ...


Discovering Your Fate - by Generation


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  Game of Life
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           1 - Family
           2 - Culture
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           4 - Social Class
           5 - Picture Fate
           6 - Acknowledge Fate
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