What Am I Good At?


What Am I Good AT (Art Poster)


Discovering What You Are Good At

Do you wonder what you are good at? Want to learn what you excel at .. and could be great at doing? If so, you are not alone.

Thousands of high school and college students graduate each year with no clue what they are really good at. Unfortunately, schools and career guidance tests are not very helpful when it comes to helping you discover what you are really good at.

And many adults struggle with getting a handle on what they are really good at and can become an expert of master at.

What Can I Am Good At?

The answer lies in discovering what your natural gifts, talents and abilities are. The things that come naturally to you ... and which you are naturally great at.

Everyone is born with innate gifts and talents. Things they can do so easily they hardly notice them. Things like ...



In fact, most people have at least 5 and more often ten things they are great at ... better than 1% of the population. And if you can figure out what yours are, you will know what careers you can excel at. (Read story.)


So How Do I Discover What I Am Good At?

It starts with discovering the ingredients that define your area of mastery .. the jobs and careers you can excel at and become an expert or master at. Then you can create a life purpose statement you can use to turn your ideas into a great career. (See an example.)

With it you can choose the best college, sign up for the right classes, choose your next job or make a major career change with confidence and a well thought out plan ... as well as make other important life decisions.

If you turn your life purpose statement into a reality, you will create a life filled with mastery, happiness and joy ... every moment spent surrounded by the things, people and places you love ... where you get to do the activities and have the experiences which make you incredibly happy.

Curious to get started? All it takes is ...


Discover Your Mastery Ingredients


Find Your Gifts & Talents

Story ... Discover Your Gifts & Talents  


Manifest Your Potential .com


MAnifest Your Potential ... Cadmus SOwing Seeds of Change & Hope


  What Am I Good At?

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