Describe Your Dream Job


Dream JOb Description (Art Postcard)



A Workable Description of Your Dream Job

Ever wonder how to describe your dream job? Searching for a describe what your dream job will look and feel like? Curious how to turn that description into a detailed list of job skills?

A Loose Description

The second task in finding your dream job is loosely describing what your dream job will look and feel like, so you can go looking for it ... and know it when you see it.

Working at the level of ideas ... helps you focus first on the most important things your dream job will do for you .. the "why" behind it being your dream job ... and not just another job that pays the bills or is a lot of fun.

Dream jobs are special because of the way they make you feel ... and you know you have one when you are inspired to say something like this ...

"I absolutely love my work. Each workday is meaningful because I get to work on the things I care about. I work with great people and am doing the things I used to only dream of.

I am great at what I do and my paycheck reflects that. I feel like I am finally doing the work I was born to do."


The Essential Ingredients of A Dream Job

To make you feel this way ... a dream job is filled with certain things that fill your life with meaning, joy and large paychecks. Like being paid to follow your bliss, a dream job is work where you get to ...



Now is a good time to take a moment and seriously think about the definition above.

If it does, then I can show you how to turn that list of ingredients into a way to discover your ideal job or business in task three.


What is My Dream Job?

Manifest Your Potential .com


MAnifest Your Potential ... Cadmus SOwing Seeds of Change & Hope


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