What Work Fills You with Meaning?



Finding Jobs & Careers with Meaning

To find the work that is meaningful, you need to look for a livelihood that allows you to spend your workday focusing on the things which give it meaning. It sounds like a simple solution, but few people really know what gives their life meaning.

For some it is ...



Meaning comes from inside .. so the definition of meaningful work is personal. You are the only one who knows what makes you feel like the day was well spent ... and your life is worthwhile. Only you know when doing what matters to you makes you feel you are living the life you were meant to live. Only you can judge when the work gets hard that is has value beyond a paycheck.

So are you ready to take the next step?


Tools For Finding Meaningful Work

If you are seraching for meaningful work, here are a few resources I recommmend ... some of which may be at your local library.




The Power of Purpose: Creating Meaning in Your Life and Work

A practical guide for combining your gifts and talents with your idea of how to serve the needs of others and the world around you If you want to find deeper meaning, this is a good place to start.  



Encore: Finding Work that Matters in the Second Half of Life

If you are looking for more meaning after having lived and worked at what the world thought you should, this book may be just what you are looking for. Instead of slowing down or retiring, find more meaning in your work life  



Man's Search for Meaning

A classic in understanding what gives life meaning and hope, this wonderful book will inspire you with its insights, wisdom and advice -- as well as reset your perspective on life and what gives yours meaning  



Ignite the Genius Within: Discover Your Full Potential  

If you feel stuck in life, this inspiring book can unblock what is holding you back and help inspire you to embrace your full potential -- through art, music and looking within for answers.



The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations That Win  

This guide helps you work through seven pivotal questions to focus on what inspires you and creates meaningful work for you.


The Next Step

When you find meaningful work, you are naturally drawn to inspiring quotes about meaningful work... and the work that calls to you.



Manifest Your Potential .com


MAnifest Your Potential ... Cadmus SOwing Seeds of Change & Hope


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        ... You Have Passion For
        ... That Matters
        ... You With Meaning
        ... That Calls To You
        ... That Inspires You
        ... You Are Well Paid For
        ... You Love
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