What Inspires You?


What Inspires YOu?


Feeling Inspired ...

When was the last time you felt really inspired? Do you remember what inspired you? And do you often go back to that same source for more inspiration, insight and energy?

Do you surround yourself with the things that inspire and delight you .. or do you save them for special occasions or when you get really blue?

That Ol' Black Magic

For some of us, it has been a very long time. For others, we drained our well dry and do not know where to turn. But inspiration is not just a matter of luck, chance or eating a bowl of lucky charms.

It is a natural part of life ... and figuring out what inspires you ... and then surrounding yourself with those things ... makes life a whole lot easier and more fun and exciting.

So, do you know ....

What takes your breath away?

What keeps you up late, talking through the night?

What sets your feet moving?


A Few Hints ...

If you are a bit stumped for answers, here are a few hints, along with some ideas for using inspiring resources to change your life.






Movies, Quotes & Songs


And what is important is not only what inspires you ... but what it inspires YOU To Do, Be or Accomplish. For some, that is focusing on their life calling, for others it is making their dreams come true.


Manifest Your Potential .com


MAnifest Your Potential ... Cadmus SOwing Seeds of Change & Hope


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          What Is My Heart's Desire
          What Am I Good At?
          What Inspires Me?
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